The Dangerous Secret in Cloud Accounting

It is generally accepted that few consumers really read terms of service agreements from beginning to end. Only 15% of customers read terms of service agreements completely, according to a 2015 poll by the International Association of Privacy Professionals, and another 15% said they only skimmed them. The other 70% of respondents claimed they had […]

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Does your customer know you aren’t backing up their cloud accounting data?

The even bigger question is what will they do when they find out? But first, let’s maybe cover why they might find out you haven’t done any backups. Most customers of accountants and bookkeepers trust that their accountant   has it covered and are well educated on the ins, outs, ups, and downs of cloud accounting

Does your customer know you aren’t backing up their cloud accounting data? Read More »

Why just having a backup of your cloud accounting data is not enough?

So you’re doing backups of your cloud accounting files, great that puts you ahead of many of your peers and competitors. There are many good reasons to keep backups, not just to comply with data tax authorities but there are many situations where backups are important to protect your business. Here are a couple of

Why just having a backup of your cloud accounting data is not enough? Read More »

Why backups aren’t just for recovering from a hack or data corruption.

Most accountants have a relaxed mindset regarding backing up their customer’s cloud accounting data. Primarily because the accounting platform providers have such great security and redundant copies of the platform. While this may be true in most cases, you need to know, all accounting platform services tell you to back up your file information…without exception.

Why backups aren’t just for recovering from a hack or data corruption. Read More »