How To Increase Your Productivity

Do you ever finish your workday feeling like you weren’t able to accomplish everything on your list? You start with a plan, a list, a goal… but by the end of the day, you find your to-do list is even longer.

1 .Stop multitasking

We’re tricking ourselves when we say we can easily manage phone calls, presentations, and eating lunch. Focus on one task at a time, and you’ll end up completing it faster.

2. Take breaks

Studies show taking regular breaks helps concentration and boosts your mood. Take a five-minute walk around the office or spend 15 minutes grabbing that mid-afternoon coffee.

3. Set small goals

Rather than write down “finish project,” break that into all the tasks it will take. This will keep you on track in your day-to-day and make the bigger projects seem less daunting.

4. Take care of the biggest tasks when you’re most alert

Understanding when and how you work best is key to getting those big projects done on time. There’s no set schedule that works for everyone… if you’re a morning person, tackle the big tasks first thing in your day.

5. Implement the “two-minute rule”

The other aspect of the two-minute rule is that any goal or habit can be started in under two minutes. This doesn’t mean you’ll be able to complete every task in 120 seconds, but starting new goals is the first step to accomplishing them!

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